Aerides quinquevulnera var. calayana determined to be Aerides odorata

Aerides quinquevulnera var. calayana determined to be Aerides odorata












Aerides magnifica Cootes & W.Suarez


OrchideenJ. 21(3): 127. 2014 [15 Aug 2014]








file:///C:/Users/patricia/Desktop/SITF%20photos/Aerides%20quinquevulnera%20var%20calayana/magnifica.pdf---for some reason i can not convert the pictures from this pdf - which describes this species. 










20142140 Pacific South



quinquevulnera var. calayana, award  20142140, as been determined to be Aerides
 odorata  by SITF(MAY 2015). 




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