

Judging Center: FNCJC

Award Number: 20183204

Award Date: February 10, 2018

Awarded As: Bulbophyllum speciosum

One strikingly flower on one inflorescence on a plant 12.2cm wide by 7.0cn tall grown on sphagnum in a 7cm squared plastic pot; pseudebulb conical 0.8cm by 2.0cm; leaf elliptic-lanceolate 1.3cm 8.0cm; flower base color white, sepals subulate; dorsal sepal upright, slightly reflexed apically, heavily overlaid burgundy, lateral sepals almost held horizontally, overlaid burgundy superior three-quarters; petal translucent lip, subulate, inrolled, apically reflexed, base burgundy, yellow central one-third; substance firm, texture glossy; inflorescence and ovary burgundy; commend for aesthetic beauty of the flower color and form.



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