Encyclia bipapularis

Encyclia bipapularis

***Confirmed as Encyclia bipapularis (Jun 2020); verified with the help of Jim Ackerman; the original description of E. bipapularis is an exact match for the color and shape of this flower; compared with E. triangulifera, triangulifera does not have the same color and form as this flower; E. triangulifera is described as a yellow flower, white-flushed with a yellow lip and a purple blotch in the middle; yellow flowers almost never have purple variants as does this plant.***

Encyclia bipapularis (Rchb.f.) Acuña, Bol. Estaçión Exp. Agron. Santiago de las Vegas 60: 80 (1939).

This name is accepted.

 20154450 FCJC

Encyclia bipapularis , award 20154450, has been confirmed to be Encyclia bipapularis by
SITF ( July 2015). 



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