
Lepanthes-rotundifolia-2018-05-21***Confirmed as Lepanthes rotundifolia (Feb 2020) with the aid of Dr. Franco Pupulin; shape of the leaves, flowering habit and lip form are consistant with L. rotundifolia, as well as William's description of the species.***

Judging Center: PRJC

Award Number: 20186369

Award Date: April 12, 2018

Awarded As: Lepanthes rotundifolia

Six charming flowers and 13 buds on six inflorescences that emerge from the base of the leaves; main plant mounted on a cedar plank covered with moss ; six round leaves 2cm in diameter, leaf stem 4cms long; sepals and petals translucent yellow; petals bright yellow, superior margins, superior half margins magenta; lip translucent yellows, heavily suffused magenta ubstance firm; texture waxy; a charming , brightly colored miniature; per WCSPF natural distribution is Panamá; tentatively awarded as Lepanthes rotundifolia L.O.Williams, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27: 275 (1940) pending final taxonomic verification; sent to SITF per the handbook. Lepanthes rotundifolia L.O.Williams, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27: 275 (1940). This name is accepted. Distribution: Panama Please note that the drawing submitted with the photos is was made based on the type by Gordon Dillon for the publication where the description was made. Description of species http://www.epidendra.org/taxones/Lepanthes/Lepanthes%20rotundifolia/Lepanthes%20rotundifolia%20PROT.pdf Herbarium sheet of type: http://www.epidendra.org/taxones/Lepanthes/Lepanthes%20rotundifolia/Lepanthes%20rotundifolia%20Holotype%20(MO).jpg Please note that since the description of the species type mentions similarities to Lepanthes turialvae, I am including a link to images and drawing and description of Lepanthes turialvae : http://www.epidendra.org/taxones/Lepanthes/Lepanthes%20turialvae/index.html# and an image of the CBR image for Lepanthes turialvae . The information attached to this can serve for comparison purposes.



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