
Paphiopedilum-villosum-var-laichaunum-2019-12-27***Confirmed as Paphiopedilum villosum var. laichaunum  (July 2020); based on the 2018 Hai & Tuan e-paper published in die Orchidee Vol. 4(15) E:111, the key characteristics separating the varieties are mostly based on the features of the dorsal sepal; var. laichaunum has a circular, pointed dorsal, wavy base, no spots in the dorsal with a dark brown center fading to the tip and a larger, broad synsepal which is larger than the lip; this plant closely matches these key characteristics and the photos in the e-paper, die Orchidee for var. laichuanum.***

Judging Center: Northeast

Award Number: 20185031

Award Date: November 17, 2018

Awarded As: Paphiopedilum villosum var. laichaunum

I got a Paphiopedilum villosum awarded last year. The judges awarded it as var anamense but it was not an anamense. I believed it was the newly described variety laichaunum but this new variety had not yet been accepted as a legitimate variety. I provided the documentation information for this new variety. I was told the AOS would change my award to the right varietal name... from anamense to laichaunum. The awarded name of my plant is Paphiopedilum villosum var anamense ‘Lily’ HCC/AOS but should be Paphiopedilum villosum var laichaunum ‘Lily’ HCC/AOS.



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