
Bulbophyllum-obtusipetalum-2020-02-05***Not Bulbophyllum obtusipetalum; confirmed as Bulbophyllum gibbosum (Mar 2020); based on the plant and inflorescence forms compared with the line drawings and descriptions in Seidenfaden's "Orchids of Peninsular Malaysia" and "Comber's Orchids of Sumatra", also the shape of the lip matches the drawing of B. gibbosum; a good match to the IOSPE photo; the swollen mentum for which B. gibbosum is named can easily be seen in the photos.***

Judging Center: Northeast

Award Number: 20204855

Award Date: January 17, 2020

Awarded As: Bulbophyllum obtusipetalum

In processing current awards, this award does not appear to match the priorly awarded species. The awards registrar is questioning the validity of this award as Bulbophyllum obtusipetalum. I have asked the center for some additional photos.
On first glance it looks like a better match to gibbosum.



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