
Jumella-ibityana-2020-08-07***Determined to be Jumellea hyalina, not J. ibityana (Dec 2020); the spur length of this plant is about the same as the length of the lip or approximately 1.5 cm; J. ibityana belongs to Group 4 which has spur lengths of 2.5 to 4.5 cm; this plant probably belongs to Group 3, which has spur lengths of 1.5 cm or less and very elongate stems; this plant also has the spur growing forward under the lip and most Jumellea species have the spurs growing downward or backward; J. hyalina is only one of two species in Group 3 in which the spur grows forward under the lip; the leaves are unequally bilobed and the deep green and yellow color of the column and anther cap agree with the description of J. hyalina.***

Judging Center: Hawaii Center (Hilo)

Award Number: 202037

Award Date: July 24, 2020

Awarded As: Jumella ibityana

Plant purchased in 2019 from Andy's Orchids. Matches description of species in OrchidWiz X6.3.



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