
Pleurothallis-nephroglossa-2019-04-02***Confirmed as Pleurothallis nephroglossa (Apr 2020); lip of this plant nearly matches the reniform shape of the P. nephroglossa in Luer's illustration although it does not appear to be a 100% match to the typical P. nephroglossa because of the shallow sulcus (groove) of the lip and flat lateral sepals; other close relatives, P. siphoglossa, P. jupiter, P. galerita and P. corysta are excluded: P. jupiter and P. siphoglossa have involute lips margins, which exclude them; P. galerita is excluded for flowers with pubescent petals, lip and synsepal, and the dorsal sepal which appears rounder and less oblong than this flower; P. corysta can be distinguished by 11 veins in the dorsal sepal vs. seven and the different lip shape.***

Judging Center: Pacific Northwest

Award Number: 20194010

Award Date: March 09, 2019

Awarded As: Pleurothallis nephroglossa



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