
Xylobium-subpulchrum-2021-10-17***Confirmed as Xylobium subpulchrum (Oct 2021); matches description in Dressler's "Orquideologia XXI (3)"; according to IOSPE, X. subpulchrum is similar to X. colleyi, but differs in the ovoid pseudobulbs, shorter white to pink sepals and petals with a brown-red midlobe and a smaller 5-keeled lip; it also has a strong putrid rotting meat smell; although the fragrance was not mentioned in the description of this plant.***

Judging Center: FNCJC

Award Number: 20211487

Award Date: September 25, 2021

Awarded As: Xylobium subpulchrum

Award description:
Seven flowers and one bud on one pendent inflorescence, plus three emerging inflorescences on a plant 38 cm high x 6 cm wide; pseudobulbs (4, 3-leafless) ovoid, green, cropped leaf 35 cm long by 8 cm wide (approximately 12" trimmed off), 5-veined, dark green, folded proximally, growing in a net pot in Fernwood tree fern; flowers pale green, tightly grouped on end of mostly buried inflorescence; sepals and petals lanceolate, petals slightly shorter, deeper green basally; lip porrect, oblong, tip pointed, interior apically finely veined burgundy, exterior distal half veined and blushed burgundy, appears lightly bristled; anther cap cream; substance hard; texture satiny; fragrance light pear-scented; origin unknown; awarded for a charming cluster of flowers worthy of recognition; plant presented as Xylobium colleyi, in researching this species it was clear it was not this species, but instead better matches the closely related Xylobium subpulchrum;

Flower Natural Spread Length: 2.1

Flower Natural Spread Width: 2.6

Flower > Dorsal Sepal Length: 1.0

Flower > Dorsal Sepal Width: 0.6

Flower > Lateral sepals or synsepal Length: 1.5

Flower > Lateral sepals or synsepal Width: 1.0

Flower > Lateral sepals or synsepal Caudae Width: 0.9

Flower > Petals Length: 0.5

Flower > Lip or Pouch Length: 1.5

Flower > Lip or Pouch Width: 1.0

Flower > Column Color: pale green

Flower > Anther Cap Color: cream



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