
Epidendrum-villenae-2023-12-18 *SITF has determined this plant to be Epidendrum prostratum (Lindl.) Cogn., not Epi. villenae (Feb 2024).

This plant matches Eric Hagstater's description and photo of Epi. prostratum in Icones Orchidacearum Fascicle 18(1), plate 1833. The leaves on the Epi. villenae plant photo and Hagstater's description do not look like this plant. Epi. villenae has violet flowers with much longer single-lobed, white lips. Also, Hagstater's drawing of Epi. villenae shows patches of pointed papillae on either side of the lip crest that are not seen in this flower.

Judging Center: Pacific South - Santa Barbara

Award Number: 20235979

Award Date: September 13, 2023

Awarded As: Epidendrum villenae

Forms have been attached as PDF forms along with the images



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