Stephen Gallagher

Stephen Gallagher graduated from Rice University in Houston, Texas with a BA in Chemistry in 1997. Since then, Stephen has spent 25+ years in investment banking, primarily in mergers and acquisition advisory and corporate finance including several years in London running the International Energy & Power Investment Banking group for a large multinational bank. Stephen is currently living in Houston and is the Co-Head of the Energy & Industrials investment banking practice for Farlie, Turner, Gilbert & Co.
Stephen began growing orchid in 2015 while living in London. This primarily involved taking home and caring for the phalaenopsis orchids from the office reception area once the flowers had fallen off. He promptly joined the Houston Orchid Society upon returning to Houston in 2016 and now grows many different orchid genera. He seems to have the most success with paphiopedilum, catasetinae, and more recently habenaria, phragmipediums, and bulbophyllums. He served as the Newcomers Chair for the HOS for 2018 and 2019, during which time he organized monthly culture meetings for society newcomers. Stephen currently serves as the HOS Speaker VP for 2022 and will continue in this role for 2023. Stephen joined the American Orchid Society in 2019 and has won 4 AOS awards for his orchids.

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