The following article first appeared in the February 1956 (Vol. 25, No. 2, page 159) American Orchid Society BULLETIN as part of a multi-part Beginners' Handbook. It has been edited here to reflect current taxonomic nomenclature and synonymy. At the time of the original publication, the Brazilian laelias and Sophronitis were considered distinct from Cattleya. They have been now reclassified and the Central American bifoliate cattleyas moved to Guarianthe. Those Cattleya species that flower from specially modified reproductive growths (appear to be basal inflorescences) are not, strictly speaking, bifoliate cattleyas but they were included here by the author. The article has been left intact but the Central American species and Prosthechea citrina (Cattleya citrina) have been moved to the end of the article.
In the Beginners' Handbook for March, 1956, we discussed the genus Cattleya and its allies, devoting the balance of the article to one section of the genus, the unifoliate or one-leaved Cattleyas. As we noted in that installment, that group of Cattleyas is predominant in horticultural interest, with species and hybrids of the labiate section constituting the major commercial cut-orchid crop as well as the most popular plant among amateur orchid growers. However, the labiate section is surpassed in number of botanically distinct species by the remaining portion of the genus which is considered, for convenience, as the bifoliate or two-leaved group of Cattleyas.
Except for a half dozen species found in Mexico and Central America, all the bifoliate Cattleyas are natives of Brazil with an extension of range, in the case of several species, into neighboring countries, for orchids do not respect national boundaries but geographical limits. In Brazil, the species have fairly well-defined and restricted limits, the overall distribution being roughly similar to the unifoliate species and to the Laelias. While a few are found at comparatively low altitudes, and hence require a slightly warmer culture, the majority of species are from the mountain areas and demand the same treatment as the labiate Cattleyas. The interpenetration of ranges has resulted in the formation of a number of natural hybrids, not only between two bifoliate species but also between bifoliate and unifoliate Cattleyas. A few supposed natural hybrids between bifoliate Cattleyas and species of Laelia are also known.
List of species: as is true of most of the horticulturally valuable orchids, the bifoliate Cattleyas constitute a complex, variable and difficult group which defies sharp delineation among the many component species. Due to the large number of imports which gave rise to many errors in identification and a multitude of names, a sound taxonomic treatment of the section cannot be presented with as much authority as desired. Certain important species, such as Cattleya guttata, Cattleya intermedia, Cattleya loddigesii and their varieties are still much confused, particularly in respect to some of their less typical forms. There is no popular treatment of this group of Cattleyas to be found in literature. Botanically, the most authoritative study is Alfred Cogniaux's work on the orchids in Martins' FLORA BRASILIENSIS, published 1893-1906. Descriptions and text are in Latin, and some of the concepts should be revaluated in the light of more recent knowledge. Nevertheless, this presentation is extremely useful and is the basis, with slight modification, of the following groupings.
I. Lateral lobes of lip small or sometimes absent; column exposed or enveloped by the lateral lobes to a certain degree at the base of the lip.
A. Inflorescence basal.
Cattleya walkeriana, C. nobilior
B. Inflorescence terminal.
Cattleya aclandiae, C. x dolosa, C. bicolor, C. velutina
II. Lateral lobes of lip large, enveloping the column entirely or for the greater part.
A. Midlobe of lip somewhat larger, more or less long and clawed.
Cattleya granulosa, C. porphyroglossa, C. schofieldiana, C. x brasiliensis, C. guttata, C. x patrocinii, C. tigrina, C. amethystoglossa, C. elongata, C. x victoriae-reginae, C. schilleriana, C. x Whitei.
B. Midlobe of lip small, sessile or subsessile.
Cattleya violacea, C. x brymeriana, C. loddigesii, C. harrisoniana, C. intermedia, C. forbesii, C. x isabella, C. dormaniana.
C. Midlobe of lip large, more or less continuous with lateral lobes. - All reclassified in other genera
Prosthechea citrina, Guarianthe aurantiaca, Gur. x guatemalensis, Gur. skinneri, Gur. bowringiana.
This listing does not completely exhaust the possible number of species nor does it include all the known or suspected natural hybrids. Many published concepts are based on a single collection or on obscure characters, and the minute detail necessary for monographic treatment would be out of place here, even were the required research accomplished, which it is not. These groupings do establish relationships fairly well, however, with the exception of Prosthechea citrina which is included with Guarianthe aurantiaca and the Gur. skinneri alliance only as a matter of convenience.
C. aclandiae 'KG's Spotted Tiger' HCC/AOS; Grower: Kathy Figiel, Photo© Greg Allikas
Cattleya aclandiae:Â Brazil. Introduced in 1839 by Lady Akland, of Killerton, near Exeter, it was named for her by Dr. Lindley when he first described the species in the BOTANICAL REGISTER, in 1840. This is one of the smallest in habit among the Cattleyas, the slender, cylindrical, furrowed stems being from three to five inches long, the two leaves each from two to three inches in length. A short peduncle bears one or two flowers from three to four inches across. Petals and sepals are similar, fleshy, yellowish green transversely blotched and spotted with blackish purple. The rather fiddle-shaped lip is three-lobed, the lateral lobes small and curved toward the column, white tinged with rose, the midlobe broadly kidney-shaped, wavy, bright rose-purple veined with deep purple. The exposed column is short, thickened with wing-like margins, a deep amethyst-purple. Found growing near sea level on small isolated trees in the arid lands near the coast of the province of Bahia, over which a sea breeze blows constantly, it is a warm growing species demanding great light. It requires little compost but should be heavily watered during its growing season. Frequently it produces new growths and flowers twice a year, in May and June, its normal season, and again in the fall. Not common in cultivation, it is a delightful dwarf species with bold flowers, but it is does have a reputation as being difficult to grow.
C. amethystoglossa 'Crownfox III', AM/AOS;Grower: RF Orchids, photo:Greg Allikas
Cattleya amethystoglossa: Brazil. This species first appeared in the collection of Herr Reichenheim at Berlin and was described in 1856 in BONPLANDIA by Reichenbach as Cattleya guttata var. prinzii, named to honor Herr Print who had sent the plant from Brazil. It appeared in England in the collection of Mr. F. Coventry, of Shirley, whose solitary plant went to Mr. Warner in 1860. Figured in Warner's SELECT ORCHIDACEOUS PLANTS as Cattleya amethystoglossa. It has since been imported in large quantities from its native home in the province of Bahia. The stems are cylindrical, two to three or more feet high, bearing two leaves from four to eight inches long. Flowers are about three to four inches across, fleshy, in an upright cluster containing five to twenty flowers. Petals are similar to sepals but somewhat broader, petals and sepals bright rose spotted with amethyst-purple, especially toward the margins. Lip is three-lobed, the lateral lobes folding over the column, the middle lobe spreading, notched in the front margin, deep amethyst-purple. An intermediate to warm species, very variable in habit and floral coloring, it flowers anywhere from early spring to midsummer.
C. bicolor 'Tyrone', HCC/AOS; Grower:Charles Fouquette, photo: Loren Batchman
Cattleya bicolor: Brazil. Introduced by Messrs. Loddiges in 1836, it was described in the BOTANICAL REGISTER by Lindley in 1836. The slender stems are from eighteen to thirty inches high, jointed and covered with whitish membranaceous sheaths, bearing two leaves about six inches long. The inflorescence is nearly erect, with two to five or more flowers. Flowers range from three to four inches across. The sepals and petals are fleshy, with a distinct midnerve, greenish brown to olive-brown spotted with purple, the petals somewhat wavy, the lateral sepals bowed inward. The lip is wedge-shaped, without side lobes, curved downward with a central longitudinal depression or line, crimson-purple, occasionally margined with white. This species is unique in lacking the lateral lobes of the lip, a character usually inherited by its hybrid progeny, limiting its value in breeding. Variable in coloring, particularly with respect to the lip, this species is suited to intermediate conditions, blooms during spring and into midsummer, occasionally blooming twice, about March and again in September.
Cattleya x brasiliensis: Brazil. An obscure natural hybrid presumed to be Cattleya bicolor x Cattleya harrisoniana.
Cattleya x brymeriana: Brazil. A natural hybrid between Cattleya violacea and Cattleya wallisii (eldorado), it was introduced by Messrs. Low and Co. and described in the GARDENERS' CHRONICLE for 1883 by Reichenbach who dedicated it to Mr. W. E. Brymer, an ardent amateur orchid grower. Habit intermediate between the two parent species, with medium-sized showy flowers, rosy purple shaded with white, the lip deep purple with an orange-yellow throat. Rarely seen in cultivation, it blooms in summer.
C. x dolosa 'Michael', AM/AOS; Grower:William Rogerson, photo: Rhonda Peters
Cattleya x dolosa: Brazil. The origin of this species is somewhat obscure, having first appeared in cultivation in 1872 in the collection of Mr. John Day who obtained it as a Cattleya or Laelia from Minas Gerais. At first considered a variety of Cattleya walkeriana, which it resembles closely. Considered by some to be a distinct species, most present-day authorities accept it as a natural hybrid between Cattleya walkeriana and Cattleya harrisoniana. Of dwarf habit, the pseudobulbs are two to four inches high, stout, bearing one to four large, fleshy flowers about four inches across. Unlike Cattleya walkeriana, it flowers from the base of the leaves at the apex of the pseudobulb. The flowers are rose-magenta, the petals broader than the sepals, the lip bly three-lobed with the side lobes overlapping the column for half their length, the midlobe spreading, deep amethyst-purple with a pale yellow disk. Rare in its native habitat, it is not commonly found in cultivation. It blooms in the fall.
C. dormaniana 'Renee', AM/AOS; Grower:Robert J. Ferry
Cattleya dormaniana: Brazil. This species brings to the forefront the artificial distinction between Brazilian laelias and cattleyas. The distinction is based on the number of pollinia; four for cattleyas and eight for laelias. This species produce two or four extra rudimentary pollinia in addition to the four normally found in plants of this genus. Is this then a Laelia, a Cattleya or an intergeneric natural hybrid? It is today accepted as a Cattleya and the underdeveloped pollinia have some evolutionary significance related to the origin of the species. Regardless of the genus, the 3 inch flowers, produced usually one or two per inflorescence (occasionally up to 4) are dramatic. The species, discovered in 1879, comes from the humid, cloud-shrouded Organ Mountains in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. While the thin pseudobulbs do not tolerate dehydration, the species does need a definite period of dormancy. Flowering occurs in the fall. While known for some 130 years, C. dormaniana remains relatively rare in contemporary collections. It is a small species that takes up little room and for those able to provide for its requirements, a dramatic addition to anyone's cattleya collection.
Cattleya elongata: Brazil. Another rare species not seen in cultivation at the present time, it was described by Barbarossa Rodrigues, a Brazilian botanist, in his GENERA ET SPECIES ORCHIDEARUM NOVARUM (1877), one of the first works on the orchids of Brazil. Subsequently introduced into cultivation in England as Cattleya alexandrae, it remained a rarity and is little known.
C. forbesii 'Orquifollajes', AM/AOS; Grower:Francisco Villegas, photo: Greg Allikas
Cattleya forbesii: Brazil. Introduced in 1823 by the Horticultural Society of London, through their collector Mr. Forbes, it was described by Lindley in his COLLECTANEA BOTANICA, dedicated to its collector. The cylindrical stems are about a foot high, the inflorescence erect and bearing from two to five flowers, each about three to four inches across. The sepals and petals are similar, nearly equal, pale yellow-green to yellow. The lip is three-lobed, the lateral lobes angular and rolled around the column, pale yellow on the outside, bright yellow within; the midlobe is small, rounded with a toothed margin, pale yellow with bright yellow central band, the throat lined and spotted with red-purple. Not as showy as many other species, this Cattleya has never been grown in quantity even though it is one of the first of the genus to appear in cultivation. It is an attractive plant, however, and rather easily grown, so it is found occasionally in the collections of hobbyists whose interests tend toward the less common orchids. It blooms in spring and summer.
C. granulosa 'Claire', HCC/AOS; Grower: William Rogerson, photo: Rhonda Peters
Cattleya granulosa: Brazil. Discovered in 1840 by Hartweg who sent a single plant of it to the Horticultural Society of London, its habitat was reported as Guatemala. Subsequently Mr. Skinner sent specimens reputedly from Guatemala. Nevertheless, it is extremely doubtful that such plants actually were found wild in Guatemala and it is possible that either the plants were found in cultivation or the actual source was deliberately concealed to prevent other commercial collectors from locating it (a practice not infrequently indulged in, although condemned by those who respected the search for scientific knowledge). The species was described by Lindley in the BOTANICAL REGISTER FOR 1842. The jointed, somewhat flattened stems are from twelve to twenty inches tall, bearing two leaves six inches long. The flower stem is stout, erect, with from five to eight flowers, each about three to four inches across. The sepals and petals are yellowish olive-green, with scattered spots of red, the sepals oblong and obtuse, the lateral sepals bowed inward. The petals are a little broader than the sepals, with the margin slightly waved. The lip is three-lobed, the lateral lobes erect, whitish outside and yellow inside, the middle lobe clawed with a fimbriate kidney-shaped blade, the claw yellow, the blade white, covered with numerous crimson-purple granulations. Of intermediate culture, it flowers in the late summer and autumn.
C. schofieldiana 'Redoubtable', AM/AOS; Grower: Bill Heckeroth
Cattleya schofieldiana: Brazil. Once considered a variety of granulosa and first described as such, this taxon is now accepted by modern-day authorities as distinct. The flowers are larger and more spotted than those of granulosa, to about 4 inches in diameter. According to Withner, the petals are distinguished by their larger size, their dilated and rounded apices and their characteristically downwardly curved shape. The plants are epiphytic on trees growing on rocky slopes or cliff faces and prefer abundant light and air movement. According to Fowlie, it prefers moss or lichen covered sloping trunks where the roots may extend for 2 feet or more. It has no pronounced rest or dormancy period and flowering occurs in the fall.
C. guttata 'Brecko Leopard', CCM/AOS; Grower: J. & M. Kepley, photo: James Harris
Cattleya guttata: Brazil. A variable species, the typical form was sent to the Horticultural Society of London from Rio de Janeiro around 1827 by the Right Hon. Robert Gordon, the type description by Lindley appearing in the BOTANICAL REGISTER in 1831. A large, robust species with cylindrical stems from twenty to thirty or more inches tall, topped by two spreading, very coriaceous leaves from six to nine inches long. The upright flower stem arises from a short, flattened sheath and bears five or more (in the typical form) fleshy flowers each three to four inches across. The sepals and petals are similar, the petals being broader, waved at the margin and more rounded at the apex, yellowish green spotted with deep purple. The lip is three-lobed, the lateral lobes acute and folded over the column, whitish outside, the middle lobe spreading, the front margin notched, amethyst-purple in color and traversed by lines of papillae or granulations. This fine bifoliate Cattleya is of easy culture and quite commonly cultivated by hobbyists. There are numerous forms and varieties, some of which have been treated as species. Variety leopoldii (now recognized as distinct - Cattleya tigrina) has smaller but many more flowers, up to twenty in fine specimens, the flowers being brown to green. The so-called variety prinzii is more correctly known as Cattleya amethystoglossa and was treated under that name above. The color of the flowers of the species varies considerably, some of the deeper colored forms being real gems. It has possibilities in developing heavy-textured smaller flowers of more somber colors when combined with some of the labiate Cattleyas, providing a cut flower in competition with Cymbidiums. Requires warm to intermediate conditions, with b light and plenty of water during growth but likes a decided rest after flowering in the fall.
C. harrisoniana 'Silva Jardin', HCC/AOS; Grower: Truford Orchids
Cattleya harrisoniana: Brazil. Introduced in 1836 by Mr. Harrison of Liverpool, it was described by Lindley in the BOTANICAL REGISTER for the same year. Sometimes considered to be a variety of Cattleya loddigesii, it is quite distinct in possessing prominent corrugations on the disk of the lip, a feature not found in Cattleya loddigesii, and subsequent misidentifications have resulted in much confusion. Similar to Cattleya loddigesii in habit, the stems are longer and more slender (as a rule). The flowers are darker than in Cattleya loddigesii, from deep lilac to rose-purple, the sepals and petals not quite as broad, the lip larger, the lateral lobes rolled outward, and the middle lobe larger, spreading and crisped with a deep notch in the middle. The margins of the lateral lobes are yellow, and most of the middle lobe is deep yellow, shading toward purple at the notch, the orange-yellow disk thickened into three to five longitudinal corrugations emerging from the yellow throat. Numerous forms, including a white variety are known. A beautiful flower that can be highly recommended to the hobbyist, it blooms in summer.
C. intermedia 'Aranbeem', AM/AOS; Grower:RF Orchids, photo: Greg Allikas
Cattleya intermedia: Brazil. Brought by Captain Graham of the Royal Packet Service from Rio de Janeiro in 1824, it bloomed in the Botanic Garden at Glasgow in 1826 and was described by Hooker in the BOTANICAL MAGAZINE for 1828. Coming from a wide area of southern Brazil, it varies to a great degree and the exact circumscription of the species is not possible. It has very slender, jointed stems up to eighteen inches high, with two leaves five to six inches long. Flower stems are stout, three to five or more flowers, each flower four to five inches across. Sepals and petals are narrow, the dorsal sepal strap-shaped, the lateral sepals and petals curved downward, pale rose to milk white, occasionally dotted with amethyst-purple. Lip is trilobed, the side lobes rounded with smooth margins, overlapping around the column, the middle lobe amethyst-purple, spreading, with crisped and eroded margin. A favorite Cattleya of the bifoliate group, by virtue of its delicate coloring and bright lip. It flowers in late spring and early summer.
Cattleya x isabella: Brazil. Described by Reichenbach in 1859. It is presumed to be a hybrid between Cattleya forbesii and Cattleya intermedia. Rare in cultivation and little known.
C. tigrina 'SanBar Giant', FCC/AOS; Grower:SBOE, photo: Lawrence Vierhelig
Cattleya tigrina (leopoldii): Brazil. This is the oldest name for what has long been known as Cattleya guttata var. leopoldii. A native of southern Brazil, found growing with Cattleya (Laelia) purpurata and C. intermedia in Santa Catarina and in other areas with C. guttata or C. loddigesii, the plants are large, reaching as much as 4 feet tall and can produce 20 to even 30 flowers per inflorescence. While considered bifoliate, the pseudobulbs usually produce three leaves. The characteristic that most readily separates this species from C. guttata is its habit of flowering from green sheaths as opposed to dried sheaths in C. guttata. The plants grow in coastal forests below 300 feet in areas with significant day/night temperature differential. The climate is seasonal with high humidity and rainfall followed by an extended dry period. Flowering usually occurs from mid- to late-summer.
C. loddigesii 'Mai Short Sweetheart', FCC/AOS; Grower: B. Andrus, photo: L. Livingston
Cattleya loddigesii: Brazil. Introduced into England from Rio de Janeiro by Messrs. Loddiges, of Hackney, under the name of Epidendrum violaceum early in the nineteenth century, it was placed into the new genus, Cattleya, under the name Cattleya loddigesii, by Lindley when he established the new genus in 1824. The cylindrical stems are about a foot high, with leaves from four to five inches long. Flower stem bears from two to five flowers up to four and a half inches across. Petals and sepals similar and nearly equal, the lateral sepals somewhat bowed, the petals slightly broader and waved along the margins, delicate rose-lilac. Lip is trilobed, the lateral lobes almost rectangular, erect, the front edge toothed, colored as the petals and sepals on the outside, whitish inside; the middle lobe spreading, much crisped at the margin, pale amethyst-purple; the disk whitish to pale yellow. A widespread species in southern Brazil, it grows in many types of situations, on trees, on bare rocks, in deep shade and in full sun, hence giving rise to a wide range of forms. The species Cattleya harrisoniana, treated above, is sometimes considered as a variety. There is a fine pure albino form, known as Stanley's variety, as well as numerous other outstanding varieties. The demarcation lines between this species, Cattleya intermedia, and several other so-called species are not sharp and a modern taxonomic investigation of the group would be worthwhile. Blooms in late summer, as a rule, but plants from different habitats flower at different times.