April 2023

 April 2023

April 2023

April is our annual awards issue and this year's is especially spectacular.  In keeping with the last several years, Nile Dusdieker treats us to the winners of the 2021 Special Annual Awards and Carol Klonowski presents the 98 First Class Certificates for 2022!

Rounding out our April magazine issue

  • Judge's Corner - The conclusion of Andrew Coghill-Behrends, Judging Floriferousness.
  • Tom's Monthly Checklist
  • Genus of the Month -  Elyranthera (Caladenia) by Thomas Mirenda
  • Collector's Item - Ceratocentron fesselii by Judith Rapacz-Hasler
  • For the Novice - Organizing Your Growing Area by Sue Bottom
  • Orchids Illustrated - Chromotypogravure by Wesley Higgins and Peggy Alrich
  • Lindleyana - New Records of Lepanthes Sw. from Ecuador, Part 1: Three New Species by Alfonso Doucette, Hugo Medina and José Portilla
  • Parting Shot - You Have to Love Orchids: A Student Judge at the Chicago Center by Roy M. Close
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Also in this issue

  • April is our annual awards issue
  • Tom's Monthly Checklist by Thomas Mirenda
  • Orchid Places - Enamel Orchids: Elythranthera (Caladenia) by Tom Mirenda
  • Collector's Item - Ceratocentron fesselii by Judith Rapacz-Hasler
  • Judge's Corner - Judging Floriferousness: Part 6 - Cultural Awards and Writing Descriptions by Andrew Coghill-Behrends
  • Orchids Illustrated - Chromotypogravure by Wesley Higgins and Peggy Alrich
  • For the Novice - Organizing Your Growing Area by Sue Bottom
  • Why Are They So Special? 2021 American Orchid Society Special Annual Awards By Nile S. Dusdieker
  • Fast Forward to Normal. The 2022 First Class Certificates By Carol Klonowski
  • Lindleyana - New records of Lepanthes Sw. from Ecuador, Pt. 1 by Alfonso Doucette, Hugo Medina, and Jose Portilla

Articles in this issue
