December 2021

 December 2021

December 2021

Our December issue features a beautifully illustrated article on breeding miniature blue cattleyas by Fred Clarke of Sunset Valley Orchids. Featured as a spotlight is hot-off-the-press Award of Quality for Cycnoches cooperi developed by Ben Oliveros at Orchid Eros and superbly photographed by Glen Barfield.  Joseph Arditti takes us through the origin of Papilionanthe (then Vanda) Miss Joaquim and all its intrigue and controversy and rounding out the December issue, Peter R. Schuster tells us about his experiences with Paphiopedilum gigantifolium and how to grow it.

Rounding out our December issue

  • Tom's Monthly Checklist by Thomas Mirenda
  • Book Review - The Natural Genus Vanda
  • Judges' Corner - Orchid Societies and Judging Center by Jean Allen-Ikeson
  • Diversity of Orchid Species in Guanacas Reserve - Antioquia, Colombia - by Maria Alejandra Moreno V and Isabel Cristina Montoya S
  • Collector's Item - Acineta erythroxantha by Judith Rapacz-Hasler
  • For the Novice - Winter Care Tips
  • The New Refugium Botanicum - Brassia isthmii-autralis by Franco Pupulin and Diego Bogarín
  • Genus of the Month - Bletilla by Charles Wilson
  • Orchids Illustrated - Leochilus by Wesley Higgins and Peggy Alrich
  • GREATIdeas - A Super Hook for Hanging Plants by Ed Wright
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Also in this issue

  • Collector' Item - Acineta erythroxantha by Judith Rapacz-Hasler
  • The New Refugium Botanicum - TBD
  • Orchids Illustrated - Leochilus by Wesley Higgins and Peggy Alrich
  • Mini Blue Cattleyas  - by Fred Clarke
  • Genus of the Month - Bletilla by Charles Wilson
  • Papilionantha (Vanda) Miss Joaquim: How did it originate? by Joseph Arditti
  • Paphiopedilum gigantifolium Braem, Baker & Baker 1997: The species with curiously deflexed petals by Peter R. Schuster
  • Spotlight - Cycnoches cooperi AQ/AOS by Thomas MirendaIn Memoriam - Rudolf Jenny

Articles in this issue
