July 2018

 July 2018

July 2018

This issue features the completion of Ronald Coleman's beautifully illustrated three-part series on the cypripediums of the United States and Canada. Part 3 discusses Cyp. arietinum, californicum, fasciculatum, guttatum, yatabeanum, and a very rare natural hybrid - × alaskanum. Gerry Walsh familiarizes us with Sarcochilus falcatus, an Australian native monopodial rarely seen in the United States and Alan Ford tells us about sustainably harvested tree fern from New Zealand - not all tree fern is endangered and controlled by CITES. Rounding out the July issue is a follow-up Collector's Item by Brenda Oviatt and Bill Nerison (Botanica, Ltd) on their Podangis dactyloceras, Tom Mirenda discusses Macroclinium in a lushly illustrated Genus of the Month, and Sue Bottom talks us through hot humid summers and the tropical storm season.  The issue also features an installment of The New Refugium Botanicum on Stenia dodsoniana including a life-like watercolor painting by Sylvia Strigari and our Orchids Illustrated features the botanical art of Leonhart Fuchs.

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Also in this issue

  • Genus of the Month - Macroclinium - Those little fan-shaped delights
  • For the Novice - Handling Hot, Humid Summers and Tropical Storms
  • Collector's Item - Podangis dactyloceras
  • The Cypripediums of the United States and Canada, Part 3 - arietinum, californicum, fasciculatum, yatabeanum and × alaskanum
  • Sarcochilus falcatus and its hybrids
  • Sustainably Harvested Tree Fern
  • The New Refugium Botanicum - Stenia dodsoniana