June 2022
Our June issue features the last of the three-part series by Robert Marsh and Dennis Szeszko on the genus Barkeria and its hybrids. This last installment, lavishly illustrated, discusses section Scandens and their hybrids. Dr. Leslie Ee completes his two-part article on Paphiopedilum venustum with a discussion of its hybrids, breeding trends and a look to the future and Dr. David Rosenfeld treats us to another in his on-going series "Who Were These Guys," introducing us to Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter. Last, but certainly not least, Dr. Leon Glicenstein fills us in on a baker's dozen of his newest hybrids in the genus Habenaria. Hopefully, you'll catch the bug for these neat little terrestrials.
Rounding out our June issue
- Tom's Monthly Checklist
- Judge's Corner: Floriferousness: Part 1 - Lycastes by Andrew Coghill-Behrends
- Orchid Places: Jamaica: Wayquecha Cloud Forest Reserve by Thomas Mirenda
- Orchids Illustrated - Dendrobium Section Dendrocoryne by Wesley Higgins and Peggy Alrich
- Collector's Item - Dendrobium anosmum by Judith Rapacz-Hasler
- Parting Shot - The Japan Grand Prix International Orchid and Flower Show 2022 by Clare Hermans, Johan Hermans and Makiko Sato.