March 2021

 March 2021

March 2021

Our March issue presents three feature articles; Spiro Kasomenakis takes us to the Tatamá National Park in the Andean mountains of Colombia, Phil Seaton revists the Atlanta Botanical Garden, its orchid collections and its conservation programs and Rudolf Jenny introduces us to Bulbophyllum (Trias) oblongum and Andrew Thomas Gage, curator of the herbarium of the Calcutta Botanical Garden during the latter half of the 1890s and first quarter of the 20th century.Rounding out the March issue, Carlos Macku discusses stakes - something we all need, Fred Clarke talks about orchid roots, Charles Wilson teases uswith Bulbophyllum section Macrobulbon - not for the space conscious and Tom Mirenda introduces us to Karen Kimmerle of Island Sun Orchids on Hawaii's big island. Franco Pupulin discusses Rhynchostylis gigantea illustrated with another spectacular watercolor by Silvia Strigari. Our Orchids Illustrated subject for this month is Augusta Withers, Flower Painter in Ordinary and José Portilla, Hugo Medina and Iván Portilla described two new species of Sudamerlycaste from Ecuador. 

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Also in this issue

  • Tom's Monthly Checklist
  • For the Novice - Stakes by Carlos Macku
  • Collectors' Item - Bulbophyllum section Macrobulbon by Charles Wilson
  • Questions & Answers by Ron McHatton
  • The New Refugium Botanicum - Rhynchostylis gigantea by Franco Pupulin
  • Orchid People - Karen Kimmerle by Tom Mirenda
  • Orchids Illustrated - Augusta Withers: Flower Painter in Ordinary by Peggy Alrich and Wesley Higgins
  • Colombia's Tatamá National Park by Spiro Kasomenakis
  • Orchid Roots by Fred Clarke
  • Atlanta Botanical Garden: a beacon for orchid conservation by Philip Seaton
  • Bulbophyllum (Trias) oblongum and Andrew Thomas Gage by Rudolf Jenny
  • Lindleyana: Two New Species of Sudamerlycaste from Southwestern Ecuador José Portilla, Hugo Medina and Iván Portilla

Articles in this issue
