March 2022
Our March issue features the fantastically another installment of the Orchids in Bhutan series by Stig Dalström and his Bhutanese collaborators. This installment, Arachnis (the "Esmeraldas") features the fantastically beautiful members of the former genus Esmeralda native to the mountainous "land of the thunder dragon." Udai C. Pradhan and his daughter, Hemlata Pradhan take us on an armchair adventure to locate now rare Paphiopedilum fairrieanum in India and Fred Clarke provides a colorful article on candy-striped mini-catt breeding at Sunset Valley Orchids. Rounding out the March features is an article on the history of orchid seed - first observations, illustrations and early attempts at germination by Joseph Arditti.
Rounding out our March issue
- Tom's Monthly Checklist
- Orchid Places; A Report on the The Orchid and People Garden in Viracochasi, Peru by Thomas Mirenda
- Orchids Illustrated - Serapias by Wesley Higgins and Peggy Alrich
- Collector's Item - Epidendrum pseudepidendrum by Judith Rapacz-Hasler
- Phototropism in Cattleya Alliance Inflorescences by Larry M Litwin