May 2020

 May 2020

May 2020

Our May issue features the conclusion of Fred Clarke's series on Catasetinae with What's in a Name - the genus Fredclarkeara. Andrew Coghill-Behrends continues his series on small-flowered phalaenopsis and Sergey Skoropad delights us with an article on orchid fine-art jewelry.

Rounding out our May issue:

  • Tom's Monthly Checklist
  • For the Novice - Making Plants Bloom
  • The New Refugium Botanicum - Lycaste xytriophora
  • Orchids Illustrated - Cuban Orchids Illustrated
  • Lindleyana - Grettel Salguero and Franco Pupulin described a new color form of Maxillaria sanguinea - Max. sanguinea f. exsanguis
background pattern

Also in this issue

  • Orchid Gardens - The new USPS native orchid stamps by Tom Mirenda
  • For the Novice: Making Orchids Bloom by Ray Barkalow
  • Orchids Illustrated - Cuban Orchids by Peggy Alrich and Wesley Higgins
  • The Hybrid Genus Fredclarkeara by Fred Clarke
  • Small-Flowered Phalaenopsis, Part 2 by Andrew Coghill-Behrends
  • Affordable Benches and Flexible Growing Spaces by A'na Sa'tara

Articles in this issue
