September 2022
This month features the first of a two-part series on the parentage of two Hawaiian cattleya hybrids - C. Penny Kuroda and C. Hawaiian Fantasy. This paper builds upon the work of Laura Newton a few years back and further refines the likely parents. In July, the AOS lost a dedicated volunteer and gifted awards photographer, Greg Allikas. This month features a two-page photograpich spread of a small, but stunningly beautiful selection of the more than 2,500 award photographs he's taken over the last 25 years. David Rosenfeld continues his series "Who Were These Guys?" with an article on Conrad Loddiges and the House of Loddiges and we feature an article on Charles G. Roebling adapted from Erica Hannickel's new book Orchid Muse due out in December. Completely our features is an article by Dr. Joseph Arditti on crassulacean acid metabolism in orchids.
Rounding out our September issue
- Tom's Monthly Checklist
- Orchid Myths - There is no Such Thing as Orchid Fertilizer by Robert Pavlis
- Orchid Places - Where Worlds Collide by Thomas Mirenda
- Collector's Item - Myrmecocattleya Bordighera by Judith Rapacz-Hasler
- Judge's Corner - Score Sheet News for the AOS by Fr. Ted Baenziger
- Conservation Update - Orquídeas Para La Paz
- Orchids Illustrated - Women Illustrators: Gu Mei by Wesley Higgins and Peggy Alrich
- Parting Shot - Jill Biden is presented her namesake cattleya, Rlc. Jill Biden by Arthur E. Chadwick