September 2024
Our September issue contains the third installment in Jim Cootes's series on dendrobiums and their relatives with Part 3: Dendrobium section Calcarifera which includes some very showy species. In addition, Judith Rapacz-Hasler introduces us to the complex hybrid Paphiopedilum Lippewunder and rounding out our features this month is an interesting article by Joseph Arditti on the physical properties of orchid seeds.
Rounding out our September 2024 issue:
- Adopt a Youth Program: Our First Adoptee by Deborah Boersma
- Tom's Monthly Checklist by Thomas Mirenda
- For the Novice - Orchid Growing in a Nutshell by Ray Barkalow
- Collector's Item - Arundina graminifolia by Charles Wilson
- Orchid Q&A by Ron McHatton
- Conservation Update - Southern Ontario Orchid Society Conservation Efforts by John Alexander
- Orchids Illustrated - Koellensteinia by Wesley Higgins and Peggy Alrich
- Book Review -Orchids as Art and a Handy Field Guide by Larry Sexton
October brings our Annual Supplementary issue
This year on Fragrant Orchids!
You won't want to miss this collection of articles by
- Claire Garrett - Building a Fragrant Orchid Collection
- Jim Cootes - Pleasantly Fragrant Bulbophyllums
- Jean Allen–Ikeson - Judging Fragrance at Orchid Shows
- James McCully - Breeding for Fragrance in the Oncidium Alliance
- Peter Boches - Development of Oncidium 21st Scentury
- Carol Klonowski - Fragrance in Paphiopedilums
- Robert Fuchs - A Nose for Vandas
- Joyce Medcalf - Promenaea stapelioides and its Hybrids
- Jean Hollebone - Zygopetalums and Their Hybrids