The Handbook on Judging, hereinafter referred to as the Handbook, is the official policy statement of the AOS regarding the operation of its judging system. It is published on the AOS website and in OrchidPro.
Changes to the Handbook, as adopted from time to time by the JC with the approval of the Board of Trustees,are published on the AOS website and in OrchidPro. These changes become effective once published.
Observance of the rules stated herein is mandatory upon AOS judges as well as show officials and individualexhibitors. Failure to observe the rules may result in disqualification of judges from service, of shows from theprivilege of offering AOS judging, or of exhibitors from eligibility to receive AOS awards. All judges are required tomaintain continuous AOS membership, thereby maintaining access to OrchidPro and the current edition of the Handbook as published.
The current revision incorporates changes approved by the JC and the BOT up to January 27, 2025.
The following substantive changes make up the latest edition:
3.1. 3 a) added emeritus judge
3.3.1. changed wording to calendar year and included educational hours in
3.4.1 added emeritus judge
4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3 changes made to comply with the new self-paced program, voted on by the BOT April 4, 2024
4.3 remove references to 3-year term and other wording found elsewhere
6.3 removed mention of photographer and photograph in Special Annual Awards removed Catasetinae from the list of potential categories. changed Sudamerlycaste to Ida added The Fred Clarke Catasetinae Award
6.4 Rewrite for clarity and to remove ambiguity of the process This line was meant to be removed in the last update, as it no longer applies to the new score card system put in place in November 2023. (b) The award shall be given only upon the unanimous decision of the judging team assigned.
7.1.4 Removed reference to a point scale that does not exist.
Respectfully submitted:
David Edgley, Chair, Judging Committee
Gayle Brodie, Chair, HBTF
January 27, 2025.

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