Dendrobium lituiflorum 2024-03-31

Posted on March 31, 2024

SITF has determined this plant to be an unknown hybrid between Dendrobium lituiflorum and another D. nobile-like species, not Dendrobium lituiflorum (Jul 2024). This plant blends features of both lituiflorum and one of many D. nobile-like species. The persistence of the leaves over two or more years favors D. nobile. The number of leaves per cane favors D. lituiflorum. The inflorescence length may favor D. lituiflorum, but may be within the range of both. The form of the flower definitely favors D. lituiflorum, especially the elongate trumpet shaped lip, but it looks to be a little shorter than the typical D. lituiflorum lip and may be shortened somewhat by another species. There is a named hybrid between the two species, Den. Corningianum, made in 1876, but no photos can be found to compare.

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