(pronounced: ay-gros-toh-FILL-um)
Epidendreae subtribe Glomerinae. The genus has been divided into four sections. The genus Chitonochilus, based on C. papuanum Schlechter, was separated because of the footless column. Despite this, C. papuanum appears to be a valid member of Agrostophyllu
From the Greek agrostis, meaning grass, and phyllon, meaning leaf, in reference to the grass-like leaves of most species.
A genus of about 85 species ranging from Sri Lanka to Samoa. The species-level taxonomy of Agrostophyllum is problematic because the flowers notoriously tend to decompose during the preparation of herbarium specimens rendering them all but useless for cri
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow larger species of Agrostophyllum in pots or baskets with a medium-grade epiphyte mixture. Mount smaller species on slabs with a small pad of moisture-retaining material at the roots. Provide medium light levels, regular watering throughout the year, and intermediate to cool-intermediate temperatures. When grown in pots, Agrostophyllum seem to do best when pot-bound.
Ahmed, M., M. K. Pasha and M. A. Aziz Khan 1989. Agrostophyllum khasianum Griff., a new record for Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Bot. 18:101-104. Schuiteman, A. 1990. A new combination in Agrostophyllum (Orchidaceae). Blumea 35(1):165. Schuiteman, A. 1997. Revision of Agrostophyllum section Appendiculopsis, with notes on the systematics of Agrostophyllum. Orch. Monogr. 8:1-20.
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