
(pronounced: an-GREY-kum)


Vandeae subtribe Angraecinae. Garay’s (1973) treatment, dividing the genus into 19 sections, has been widely accepted.

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Monopodial epiphytes, lithophytes and terrestrials, rooting at the base or along the stems. Stems short to elongate and vining, solitary to freely branching. Leaves alternate, distichous, leathery, strap-shaped, terete or bilaterally compressed, often obliquely bilobed at the apex, usually leathery. Inflorescences axillary, one-flowered, racemes or panicles, the floral bracts often dark brown. Flowers usually star-shaped, resupinate or not resupinate, usually fragrant at night, often waxy and glossy, white, green, or green and white, rarely with brown suffusion. Sepals and petals free, spreading, subsimilar, subequal, most frequently lanceolate. Lip unlobed or rarely obscurely three-lobed, usually concave, with a short to very long nectar spur. Column very short, without wings or a foot; pollinia 2, globose, grooved on one side, attached to a common viscidium or to a pair of distinct viscidia.


From the Latinized form of the Malay angurek, a term for large monopodial orchids such as Aerides and Vanda.


A genus of about 200 species from Tropical Africa, Madagascar, and adjacent islands with one species in Sri Lanka.

Care and Culture Card

See basic growing conditions and care information below.


Braem, G. J. 1991. Angraecum popowii Braem, spec. nov. Schlechteriana 4/91:163-166.

Nilsson, L. A., L. Jonsson, L. Rason and E. Randrianjohany 1985. Monophily and pollination mechanisms in Angraecum arachnites Schltr. (Orchidaceae) in a guild of long-tongued hawk-moths (Sphingidae) in Madagascar. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 26:1-19.

Bosser, J. 1987. Contribution à l’étude des Orchidaceae de Madagascar et des Mascareignes, XXII. Adansonia 9(3):249-254.

Bosser, J. 1988. Contribution à l’étude des Orchidaceae de Madagascar et des Mascareignes, XXIII. Adansonia 10(1):19-24.

Bosser, J. 1989. Contribution à l’étude des Orchidaceae de Madagascar et des Mascareignes, XXIV. Adansonia 11(1):29-39.

Bosser, J. 1989(1990). Contribution à l’étude des Orchidaceae de Madagascar et des Mascareignes, XXVI. Adansonia 11:369-382.

Bosser, J. and P. Morat 1972. Contribution à l’étude des Orchidacees de Madagascar, XVIII. Adansonia 12(1):73-78.

van Ede, G. 1984. Angraecum stella-africa. S. Afr. Orchid J. 15(4):134-135.

Garay, L. A. 1973. Systematics of the genus Angraecum (Orchidaceae). Kew Bull. 28:495-516.

Hermans, J. and P. Cribb 1997. A new species of Angraecum (Orchidaceae) from Madagascar. Orchid Rev. 105(1214):108-111.

Hermans, J. and I. la Croix 2001. Angraecum clareae Hermans, la Croix & P. J. Cribb sp. nov. Orchid Rev. 109(1237):43-46.

Manning, J. and G. Wright 1982. An Angraecum new to Natal. S. Afr. Orchid J. 13(4):88-89.

Morgans, J. F. C. 1976. Is Angraecum eburneum a facultative apomict? S. Afr. Orchid J. 7(3):92-93.

Senghas, K. 1997. Vielfalt tropischer und suptropischer Orchideenstandorte und ihre Übertragung in die Kultur, dargestellt am Beispiel der Gattung Angraecum in Madagaskar mit einer neuen Art, Angraecum dollii. Journ. Orchideenfreund 4(1):13-25.

Senghas, K. 1997. Vielfalt tropischer und suptropischer Orchideenstandorte und ihre Übertragung in die Kultur, dargestellt am Beispiel der Gattung Angraecum in Madagaskar mit einer neuen Art, Angraecum dollii, Teil II. Journ. Orchideenfreund 4(2):103-106.

Stewart, J. 1979. Angraecum sesquipedale var. angustifolium. Fl. Pl. Africa 46:pl. 1836.

Toilliez-Genoud, J. and J. Bosser. 1961. Contributions à l’étude des Orchidaceae de Madagascar IV, sur un Angraecum et un Cynorchis nouveaux. Adansonia 1:100-103.

Williamson, G. 199##. A new species of Angraecum (Orchidaceae) from South Central Africa. Kew Bull. 51(2):557-559.