(pronounced: ah-rah-kah-MOON-ee-ah)
Cranichideae subtribe Spiranthinae. Aracamunia is unique in the family for its stalked glandular appendages in the axils of the leaves.
Miniature terrestrials with fleshy villose roots. Leaves subrosulate, subpetiolate. Inflorescences terminal pedunculate racemes. Flowers tubular, barely opening, white. Sepals fused into a tube for most of their length, the petals free. Lip three-lobed, clawed, the lateral lobes subauriculate, without callus. Column straight, without wings or foot, the rostellum truncate with a globular, papillose appendage; pollinia 2, on a common minute viscidium.
Named for the type locality of the Cerro Aracamuni in Venezuela.
A monotypic genus endemic to Venezuela.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Aracamunia in small pots of live sphagnum moss. Provide cool-intermediate to cool temperatures, low light, and steady watering throughout the year. The roots should never be allowed to dry out fully.
Carnevali, G. and I. Ramirez 1989. Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana: Orchidaceae. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 76:962-964.

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