(pronounced: ass-pid-oh-GYE-nee)
Cranichideae subtribe Goodyerinae. Aspidogyne was included in a broadly defined Erythrodes, an opinion still held by a minority of botanists. Garay (1977) divided Aspidogyne into three sections. Section Aspidogyne produces flowers on a peduncle as long as
Trailing terrestrials rooting at the nodes. Stems leafy. Inflorescences erect, terminal racemes, long-pedunculate to subsessile. Leaves thin-textured, petiolate, clustered towards the stem apex or scattered along the length of the stems. Flowers small, tubular. Sepals and petals subsimilar, subequal, free, the petals usually appressed to the dorsal sepal forming a hood over the column. Lip basally saccate and fused to the column, apically often bilobed, +/- recurved, with a spur parallel to the ovary. Column elongate, the rostellum entire, convex, flabellate to oblong-elliptic; pollinia 2, on a common viscidium.
A genus of about 30 species native to Central and South America.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Aspidogyne in shallow bulb pans with a terrestrial mixture rich in organic matter. Provide cool to warm temperatures depending on the elevation of the particular species. Keep the plants evenly moist under low to medium light levels. Plants of Aspidogyne make good terrarium plants because of their preference for evenly high humidity.
Carnevali, G. & E. Foldats 1989. A new Aspidogyne (Orchidaceae) from Venezuelan Guayana. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 76:596-597. Garay, L. A. 1977. Systematics of the Physurinae (Orchidaceae) in the new world. Bradea 2(28):191-204. Salazar, G. A. 1993. Typification and notes on Aspidogyne stictophylla (Schltr.) Garay (Orchidaceae: Goodyerinae). OrquÃdea (Mex.) 13(1-2):201-204.
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