(pronounced: beh-CLAR-dee-ah)
Vandeae subtribe Aerangidinae
Monopodial epiphytes. Stems short. Leaves alternate, distichous, strap-shaped, obliquely bilobed at the apex, leathery. Inflorescences axillary pedunculate racemes. Flowers secund, somewhat tubular. Sepals and petals free. Lip unlobed, spurred, without callus. Column club-shaped, the rostellum elongate, bifid, the apex of the column beaked; pollinia 2, on a common oblanceolate stipe and minute viscidium.
Named to honor Dr. Augustine Beclard, Professor of Anatomy in Paris.
A genus of two species from Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Beclardia in small pots or baskets in medium-grade epiphyte mixture. Provide cool temperatures, bright diffuse light, and steady watering throughout the year.
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