(pronounced: kly-soh-MER-ee-ah)
Vandeae subtribe Aeridinae
Miniature monopodial epiphytes rooting at the base. Stems short. Leaves alternate, distichous, strap-shaped, leathery or rigid-fleshy. Inflorescences axillary pendent short-pedunculate racemes, the peduncle and rachis pubescent, the floral bract conspicuous, as long or longer than the flower. Flowers pendent, cupped. Sepals and petals free, spreading. Lip three-lobed, saccate, sessile, with a large frontwall callus. Column very short, without wings or foot; pollinia 4, in two tightly appressed unequal pairs, on a common spatulate stipe and minute viscidium.
From the Greek kleisos, meaning closed, and meros, meaning part, referring to the lip which is occluded by a large frontwall callus.
A genus of two species from Myanmar to Malaya.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Cleisomeria in small pots of medium to fine-grade epiphyte mixture or on small slabs with a small pad of moisture-retaining material at the roots. Provide intermediate temperatures, bright light levels, and regular watering throughout the year.
Seidenfaden, G. 1988. Orchid genera in Thailand XIV. Fifty-nine vandoid genera. Opera Bot. 95:1-368.
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