(pronounced: dak-till-oh-RYE-zah)
Orchideae subtribe Orchidinae
Terrestrials arising from tubers, the tubers variously divided into multiple segments of varying shapes. Leaves erect, ovate-lanceolate, subrosulate. Inflorescences pedunculate densely-flowered spicate racemes, the floral bracts green, usually longer than the ovaries and often overtopping the flowers. Flowers most commonly pink with patterned lips. Sepals and petals free, subsimilar, subequal, the lateral sepals often reflexed and erect. Lip obscurely to distinctly three-lobed, spurred, usually shallowly convex. Column erect, with a basal stigma; the pollinia 2, granular, on separate slender caudicles and minute viscidia.
From the Greek dactylos, meaning finger, and rhize, meaning root, referring to the finger-like divisions of the rootstock.
A genus of about 75 species from Europe and temperate Asia as far east as the Himalayas. The genus was previously included in a broadly defined Orchis as Orchis subgenus Dactylorchis Klinge. Species-level taxonomy varies widely between authors with the mo
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Dactylorhiza in garden beds or pots of loam. Provide full sunlight, intermediate to cool-intermediate temperatures, and regular watering throughout the growing season. Overwinter the plants by plunging the pots into a garden bed or by placing them in a cold frame or alpine house. Plants of Dactylorhiza are among the more adaptable of European terrestrials to garden cultivation.
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