(pronounced: dan-HATCH-ee-ah)
Leafless saprophytes emerging from a rootless, branching, subterranean rhizome. Erect stems with conspicuous bracts terminate in few-flowered racemes. Flowers insignificant, barely opening. Sepals and petals subsimilar, free. Lip unlobed, subsaccate at the base. Column slender, dilated apically, with a bidentate rostellum, the anther dorsal; pollinia 2, soft.
Named for the Kiwi botanist-naturalist Dan Hatch for his many contributions to the natural history of New Zealand.
A monotypic genus endemic to New Zealand.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Danhatchia is an obligate saprophyte and cannot be cultivated.
Campbell, E. A. 1970. The fungal association of Yoania australis. Trans Royal Soc. New Zealand, Biol. Sci. 12(2):5-11. Garay, L. A. and E. A. Christenson 1995. Danhatchia, a new genus for Yoania australis. Orchadian 11:469-471. Hatch, E. D. 1986. The history of the discovery of Yoania australis. Orchadian 8:206-207.

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