(pronounced: dye-sayr-at-oh-STEE-lee)
Caespitose terrestrials. Stems erect, sparsely branching, leafy. Leaves elliptic, long-petiolate. Inflorescecnes terminal densely-flowered short racemes. Flowers cupped, ephemeral. Sepals and petals subsimilar, subequal, free, spreading. Lip unlobed, sessile, with a low, obscure central callus. Column elongate, without foot, with narrow wings and a pair of elongate apical horn-like appendages; pollinia 4, linear, sessile on a minute common viscidium.
From the Greek di, meaning double, keras, meaning horn, and stele, meaning column, referring to the pair of horn-like appendages at the apex of the column.
A monotypic genus endemic to Tropical West Africa.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Diceratostele in pots of loam. Provide warm temperatures, medium to low light levels, and regular watering throughout the year.
Rasmussen, F. N. and H. Rasmussen 1979. Notes on the morphology and taxonomy of Diceratostele gabonensis (Orchidaceae). Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg. 49:139-148.

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