(pronounced: did-eh-moh-pleks-ee-OP-siss)
Gastrodieae subtribe Gastrodiinae
Miniature leafless saprophytes forming tubers along the horizontal, subterranean rhizome. Inflorescences erect pedunculate racemes. Flowers produced in succession, white. Sepals and petals free, spreading, subsimilar, subequal. Lip obscurely three-lobed, the callus biseriate, papillose, at the base and apex of the lip. Column with elongate recurved apical wings (stylids), with a long foot; pollinia 4, naked.
From the Greek comparitive, opsis, meaning like or similar, referring to the similarity of this genus to the orchid genus Didymoplexis.
A monotypic genus endemic to Thailand. Didymoplexiopsis differs from Didymoplexis by having a long column foot, large recurved column wings, and free sepals and petals.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Didymoplexiopsis is an obligate saprophyte and cannot be cultivated.
Seidenfaden, G. 1997. Contributions to the Orchid Flora of Thailand. Olsen and Olsen, Fredensborg.

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