(pronounced: dip-low-MEHR-iss)
Orchideae subtribe Habenariinae
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Miniature terrestrials arising from a small tuber. Stems short, unbranched. Leaves one, subbasal. Inflorescences terminal scapes, rarely two-flowered. Flowers white, showy, large for the plant size. Sepals and petals free, spreading. Lip unlobed, subsimilar to the petals, long-spurred, without callus. Column short, with strongly divergent rostellum arms; pollinia 2, on separate elongate stipes and minute viscidia.
From the Greek diplous, meaning double, and meris, meaning portion, referring to the pair of projections on the column.
A genus of five species ranging from northeast India and southern China to Vietnam.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
grow plants of Diplomeris in pots of fine-grade seedling mixture or in living sphagnum moss. Provide medium light levels, cool-intermediate temperatures, and regular watering throughout the year. In nature, plants of Diplomeris are found along somewhat wet seepages on sandstone slopes.
Pandey, H. C., R. N. Tewari and P. Joshi 1980. Diplomeris hirsuta Lindl. (Orchidaceae), a new record from Western Himalayas. Indian Forester 106:869-871. Rao, A. N. and M. S. Swaminathan 1987. Diplomeris josephii Nageswara Rao et Swaminathan, a new orchid from Arunachal Pradesh, India. Indian Orchid J. 2(1):5-7. Rau, M. A. and C. M. Aurora 1973(1976). On the occurrence of Diplomeris hirsuta Lindl. (Orchidaceae) in Western Himalaya. Bull. Bot. Soc. India 15(1-2):138-139.
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