(pronounced: dos-SIN-ee-ah)
Cranichideae subtribe Goodyerinae
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Trailing terrestrials with erect succulent stems. Leaves spirally arranged, petiolate, brightly patterned. Inflorescences terminal erect long-pedunculate cylindric spicate racemes, the floral bracts minute. Flowers resupinate. Dorsal sepal and petals appressed forming a hood, lateral sepals free, spreading. Lip unlobed, the base (hypochile) saccate with a pair of basal glands and a central callus ridge. Column short, without wings or foot; pollinia 2.
Honoring Belgian botanist M. E. P. Dossin.
A monotypic genus endemic to Borneo.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Dossinia in shallow pots or bulb pans of fine-grade terrestrial mixture or living sphagnum moss. Provide warm temperatures, low light levels, high humidity, and regular watering throughout the year. The roots should never dry out for long periods of time. Avoid cold drafts and avoid watering with cool or cold water.
Schlechter, R. 1915. Die Orchideen, ed. I. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin.
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