(pronounced: el-ee-OR-kiss)
Arethuseae subtribe Arethusinae
Terrestrials arising from corm-like pseudobulbs. Leaves one, erect, grass-like, acute. Inflorescences terminal erect pedunculate scapes, the floral bracts minute. Flowers tubular, pink. Sepals and petals free, subsimilar, subequal. Lip unlobed, subparallel to the column, without callus or with low callus ridges. Column slender, arching, somewhat club-shaped, without wings or foot, the clinandrium minutely and irregularly toothed; pollinia 4, naked.
From the Greek elos, meaning marsh, and orchis, meaning orchid, referring to the swampy habitat.
A monotypic genus endemic to Japan.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Eleorchis in pots of live sphagnum moss or a terrestrial mixture with a high organic component. Keep the plants evenly moist throughout the year. Provide intermediate temperates and bright light during the growing season. Overwinter the plants in a cold-frame or alpine greenhouse. Plants of Eleorchis are amenable to bog culture similar to that given Sarracenia (temperate pitcher plants) and other insectivorous plants.
Maekawa, F. 1935. Studia monocotyledonorum Japonicarum (II). Journ. Jap. Bot. 11(5):1-306.
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