
(pronounced: ep-ee-POH-gee-um)


Gastrodieae subtribe Epipogiinae


Fleshy saprophytes arising from a subterranean tuber. Roots absent, the ridges of the tuber with root hairs. Stems succulent, ephemeral, from emergence to seed dispersal taking place in a few days. Inflorescences densely-flowered scapose racemes, often nodding at the apex. Sepals and petals subsimilar, free. Lip sessile, unlobed, with glandular keels or calli at the base, with a short spur. Column short, the anther larger than the column; pollinia two, resting on the horizontal stigma.


From the Greek epi, meaning upon, and pogon, meaning beard, referring to the turned up lip which fancifully resembles a beard.


A genus of two species in the old world from Europe, Africa, and Asia to Australia and New Caledonia.

Care and Culture Card

See basic growing conditions and care information below.


Barretto, G. d’A. 1988. Epipogium roseum (D. Don) Lindl.: a new record for Hong Kong. Hong Kong Nat. Hist. Soc. Mem. 18:47-50.

Docters van Leeuwen, W. M. 1937. The biology of Epipogium roseum (D. Don) Lindl. Blumea, Suppl. I:57-65.

Hegde, S. N. and A. N. Rao 1982(1983). Epipogium sessanum Hedge et Rao, a new species of orchid from Arunachal Pradesh, India. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 3(2):597-601.

Jones, D. L. 1985. The self-pollination of Epipogium roseum (D. Don) Lindl. Orchadian 8(4):91-92.

Rao, A. N. 1987. A note on the sectional delineation in the genus Epipogium R. Br. (Orchidaceae). Indian Orchid J. 2(1):13-18.

Vermeulen, P. 1965. The place of Epipogium in the system of Orchidales. Acta Bot. Neerl. 14:230-241.