(pronounced: er-ee-THROH-deez)
Cranichideae subtribe Goodyerinae
From the Greek erythros, meaning red, and orchis, meaning orchid, from the flower color of the type species.
A pantropical genus of about 60 species. Formerly considered in a very broad sense under the invalid name Physurus, today Erythrodes is treated in a narrower sense with the removal of many neotropical species to Aspidogyne, Kreodanthus, Platythelys, and s
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Erythrodes in pots of terrestrial mix with the addition of moisture-retaining components. Provide low to medium light levels, warm to intermediate temperatures, high humidity and regular watering throughout the year. Most species of Erythrodes have no dormancy period and require steady conditions throughout the year. Plants of Erythrodes make excellent additions to terrariums and other growing areas that maintain a steady humid environment free from periodic drying out and(or) drafts.
Dressler, R. L. 1993. Four new species of Erythrodes from Costa Rica and Panama. Orquidea (Mex.) 13(1-2):255-260. Garay, L. A. 1977. Systematics of the Physurinae (Orchidaceae) in the New World. Bradea 2(28):191-204. O’Byrne, P. 1997. Erythrodes latifolia var. johorense, a new orchid from Malaysia. Malayan Orch. Rev. 31:26-28.
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