
(pronounced: er-ee-THROH-deez)


Cranichideae subtribe Goodyerinae


From the Greek erythros, meaning red, and orchis, meaning orchid, from the flower color of the type species.


A pantropical genus of about 60 species. Formerly considered in a very broad sense under the invalid name Physurus, today Erythrodes is treated in a narrower sense with the removal of many neotropical species to Aspidogyne, Kreodanthus, Platythelys, and s

Care and Culture Card

See basic growing conditions and care information below.


Dressler, R. L. 1993. Four new species of Erythrodes from Costa Rica and Panama. Orquidea (Mex.) 13(1-2):255-260.

Garay, L. A. 1977. Systematics of the Physurinae (Orchidaceae) in the New World. Bradea 2(28):191-204.

O’Byrne, P. 1997. Erythrodes latifolia var. johorense, a new orchid from Malaysia. Malayan Orch. Rev. 31:26-28.