(pronounced: go-VEEN-ee-ah)
Cymbidieae subtribe Goveniinae
Caespitose terrestrials arising from corms, rarely with rhizomes. Leaves two, plicate, petiolate, the petioles jointly enclosed in papery tubular bracts. Inflorescences erect long-pedunculate racemes, basal, enclosed in the petiolar bracts, the floral bracts inconspicuous. Flowers cupped. Sepals and petals free, spreading, the dorsal sepal and petals forming a hood overthe column. Lip unlobed, clawed, flexibly hinged to the column foot, without callus. Column stout, arching, with subterminal wings and a short foot; pollinia 4, on a common stipe and viscidium.
Honoring J. R. Gowen, an early horticulturist and plant collector in Assam.
A genus of some 20 species ranging from Mexico to Peru and the Caribbean. The species-level taxonomy of and older literature on Govenia are problematic because of limitations in studying traditional museum specimens.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Govenia in pots of sandy loam. Provide bright light, cool temperatures, and regular watering throughout the year. Some species of Govenia flower with the leaves and some after the leaves have withered.
Correll, D. S. 1947. Revision of the genus Govenia. Lloydia 10:218-228. Dressler, R. L. 1965. Notes on the genus Govenia in Mexico. Brittonia 17:266-277. Gonzalez Tamayo, R. 1993. Une nouvelle espèce de Govenia du Mexique occidental. L’Orchidoph. 109:228-232. Greenwood, E. W. 1987. Govenia bella, una nueva especie de Oaxaca, Mexico. Orquidea (Mex.) 10:229-246. Greenwood, E. W. 1991. The Florida Govenia. Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 60(9):867-869. Greenwood, E. 1993. Govenia dressleriana, another new species rescued from confusion. Orquidea (Mex.) 13(1-2):165-172. Salazar, G. and E. Greenwood 1993. Govenia praecox, a new orchid species from Veracruz. Orquidea (Mex.) 13(1-2):113-120.
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