(pronounced: hye-men-ORE-kiss)
Vandeae subtribe Aeridinae
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Miniature monopodial epiphytes. Leaves alternate, distichous, arranged in one plane, usually with finely toothed margins. Inflorescences short, few-flowered, axillary subcapitate racemes. Flowers cupped, translucent white. Sepals and petals free, spreading, the petals often inflexed and larger with denticulate margins. Lip unlobed, deeply saccate-spurred. Column very short, stout, with a long, bifid rostellum; pollinia 2, on a filiform-triangular common stipe and large viscidium.
From the Greek hymen, meaning membrane, and orchis, meaning orchid, referring to the delicate texture of the flowers.
A genus of ten species from Java and the Philippines to New Guinea.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Because of their diminutive plant size, mount plants of Hymenorchis on small plaques with a small pad of moisture retaining medium at the roots. Grow the plants under medium light levels under cool-intermediate to cool temperatures. Water frequently to avoid the roots drying out for any extended period of time.
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