(pronounced: pye-low-FILL-um)
subtribe Collabiinae, of unknown affinity. Pilophyllum is a segregate from Chrysoglossum.
Terrestrials with short, creeping rhizome. Pseudobulbs held above the substrate. Leaves 1, plicate, covered with dense trichomes. Inflorescences terminal, arising from leafless pseudobulbs, erect, scapose racemes. Flowers not resupinate. Sepals and petals free, spreading, subsimilar. Lip three-lobed, with callus keels. Column narrowly winged, with a foot; pollinia 2.
From the Greek pilos, meaning felt, and phyllum, meaning leaf, referring to the felt-like trichomes on the leaves.
A genus of two species found from Java to New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow Pilophyllum in pots with a rich terrestrial mixture. Provide low light levels, intermediate to warm temperatures, and steady watering throughout the year.
van der Burgh, W. and E. F. de Vogel 1997. Revision of the orchid genera Chrysoglossum, Collabium, Diglyphosa, and Pilophyllum (subtribe Collabiinae). Orch. Monogr. 8:135-174.

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