(pronounced: pol-ee-oh-TID-ee-um)
Maxillarieae subtribe Oncidiinae
Caespitose epiphytes. Pseudobulbs cylindric, without subtending foliaceous bracts. Leaves solitary. Inflorescences basal scapose racemes, sometimes few-branched. Flowers strongly cupped. Dorsal sepal and petals free, the lateral sepals fused for most of their length. Lip three-lobed, deeply concave-subsaccate at the base, with a single backward-facing callus. Column club-shaped, with large lateral lobes lateral to the anther, the anther elongate, oblanceolate; pollinia 2, on a large oblong stipe and minute viscidium.
A monotypic genus native to northern South America. Polyotidium resembles and is closely related to some species of Rodriguezia but differs by the solitary leaf lacking any foliaceous bracts subtending the pseudobulb, the very broad stipe to the pollinari
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow Polyotidium in very small pots in a fine grade epiphyte mixture or, preferrably, on slabs with no moisture retaining material at the roots.
Senghas, K. and H.-J. Kehr 1004. Polyotidium huebneri (Mansfeld) Garay 1958. Die Orchidee 45(2): Orchideenkartei Seite 757-758.

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