(pronounced: POR-paks)
Podochileae subtribe Eriinae
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Miniature epiphytes forming mats of pseudobulbs. Pseudobulbs flattened, round in outline, with sheaths that disintegrate to reveal a matching longitudinal or net-like series of raised ridges. Leaves 2, opposite, deciduous, +/- absent when the plants flower. Inflorescences sessile, terminal, one to few flowered. Flowers tubular, orange-red, barely opening. Sepals fused at the base, the petals free. Lip unlobed to three-lobed, +/- callus. Column short, with a distinct foot; pollinia 4, often with one pair only partially developed.
A genus of 11 species ranging from northeast India (Sikkim) to peninsular Malaysia.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Mount Porpax on small slabs without a pad of moisture retaining material at the roots. Provide full light, intermediate to cool-intermediate temperatures, and water regularly when in active growth. After the pseudobulbs have matured, water should be highly limited until the onset of visible new growth. Watering regularly when dormant will induce pathogens.
Chen, S.-C. and Z.-H. Tsi 1984. The occurrence of Porpax, Callostylis and Acriopsis (Orchidaceae) in China. Acta Bot. Yunnan. 6(3):267-272. Deori, N. C. 1975(1978). A new species and notes on the genus Porpax Lindl. in India. Bull. Bot. Soc. India 17(1-4):173-176. Seidenfaden, G. 1977. Contributions to the orchid flora of Thailand, VIII. Bot. Tidsskr. 72(1):1-14.
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