(pronounced: sood-oh-lay-EE-lee-ah)
Epidendreae subtribe Laeliinae
Scrambling epiphytes. Pseudobulbs separated by elongate rhizome segments. Leaves 3--7. Inflorescences terminal, elongate, scapose, few-flowered, congested racemes. Flowers patent. Sepals and petals free, spreading, subsimilar. Lip three-lobed, +/- raised callus ridges. Column ##; pollinia 8.
A genus of six species endemic to Brazil.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow Pseudolaelia in baskets with a medium grade epiphyte mixture or on slabs with no moisture retaining material at the roots. Provide high light levels, cool temperatures, and allow the roots to dry out between waterings.
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