(pronounced: sood-OR-kiss)
Orchideae subtribe Orchidinae
Terrestrials arising from tubers. Leaves few, basal and along the stem. Inflorescences terminal, densely-flowered racemes. Flowers cupped. Sepals and petals free, spreading, subsimilar. Lip three-lobed, with a short, saccate spur. Column short; pollinia 2, on a minute common viscidium.
A genus three species from alpine Eurasia.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow Pseudorchis in pots in rich sandy loam. Provide full light, cool-intermediate temperatures during the growing season, and even moisture. The plants require a winter chilling and should be placed in a cold frame, alpine greenhouse, or have the pots plunged into a garden bed for the winter.
Weyland, H. 1987. Orchideen beobachtungen am vitosagebirge und in der Türkei. Die Orchidee 38:29-31.

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