(pronounced: skoo-teh-KAYR-ee-ah)
Maxillarieae subtribe Zygopetalinae
From the Latin scutica, meaning a lash, referring to the long whip-like leaves.
A genus of seven species restricted to South America.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Scuticaria on slabs with a small pad of moisture-retaining material at the roots or in baskets poted with osmunda fiber. Provide full light levels, intermediate to warm temperatures, and regaular watering throughout the year. Although an aggressive grower in nature, plants of Scuticaria have proven recalcitrant in cultivation.
Andreetta, R. P. A. M. 1968. Una nueva y llamativa Scuticaria del Ecuador. Orquideologia 3:2. Barros, F. de and E. L. M. Catharino 1989. Scuticaria novaesii Barros & Catharino, sp. nov. Orchid Digest 53(3):123-126 (translated by D. Duveen from Hoehnea 9:57-62. 1951).
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