(pronounced: var-gas-ee-EL-lah)
Maxillarieae subtribe Zygopetalinae
Scrambling terrestrials. Stems elongate, rarely branching, leafy towards the apex, sparsely rooting towards the base, covered by persistent leaf sheaths. Leaves alternate, distichous, linear, acuminate, articulate. Inflorescences axillary, erect, scapose, few-flowered racemes. Flowers cupped. Sepals and petals free, spreading. Lip unlobed, concave. Column club-shaped, with a short foot; pollinia 4, sessile on a common stipe and viscidium.
Dedicated to the Peruvian botanist César Vargas.
A genus of two species native to Venezuela and Peru.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow Vargasiella in trays of sphagnum moss or moisture-retaining terrestrial mixture. Provide cool temperatures avoiding any high temperatures, very high light levels, and steady watering throughout the year. The plants should never be allowed to fully dry out.
Romero, G. A. and G. Carnevali 1993. Reappraisal of subtribe Vargasiellinae (Maxillarieae, Orchidaceae). Novon 3:79-80.

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