SITF Submissions and Findings
The Species Identification Task Force receives submissions from orchid judging centers or exhibitors.
Pleurothallis tragulosa Desiree De Vera CBR 2025-02-10

Pleurothallis talpinaria/gracilicolumna Orkiddoc CCM--CHALLENGE-2025-02-10

Changnienia amoena Whiskey's Paw CHM 2025-02-09

Cattleya munchowiana Orchid Eros CBR 2025-02-08
Coelogyne warrenii silas CHM 2025-02-05

Dracula marsupialis Captain Kangaroo CHM 2025-02-03

Epidendrum plurifolionocturnum Cecilia Bautista CBR 2025-02-01

Ipsea thailandica Charlie CBR 2025-01-30
SITF confirms this plant as Ipsea thailandica (Feb 2025). This plant is good match to both the flowers and the pseudobulbs of Ipsea thailandica. It is distinctively different from the other two species in the genus, I. malabarica and I. speciosa. It is an excellent match to the David Jubineau photos in the IOSPE.
Octomeria ventii Jardin botanique de Montréal CBR 2025-01-26

Bulbophyllum longilabre Angel CBR 2025-01-26

Pseudolaelia corcovadensis 'Memoria Luis Rivero' CHM--CHALLENGE 2025-01-25

Anoectochilus reinwardtii Timbucktoo CBR 2025-01-25

Cymbidium species iridiodes Phyllis AM--CHALLENGE 2025-01-22
SITF has determined this plant to be Cymbidium tracyanum, not Cymbidium iridiodes (Jan 2025). The flowers of C. iridioides are typically no more than 10cm, while those of C. tracyanum can reach 15cm. The flowers on this plant are 12cm.This is a match to the photograph of C. tracyanum in DuPuy & Cribb. The distinctly falcate petals, very large midlobe and the long hairs on the margins of the lip side lobes are all tracyanum characters. The flower size is also a better fit to tracyanum. The lip form, especially the side lobes, and the dorsal hooded over the column agree more with C. tracyanum than C. iridiodes. This plant is also a good match to the Baker and Baker description of C. tracyanum in the OW.
Eria albiflora J&L CHM 2025-01-22

Trichosalpinx arbuscula J&L CHM 2025-01-22

Angraecum aparoides Carol Ann CBR 2025-01-21
SITF has determined this plant to be Angraecum bancoense, not A. aparoides (Jan 2025). There are four taxa in this section; three of them are distinguished most easily on the length of their spurs. The measurements of this plant have the ovary at 0.3 cm long, which makes the spur (as seen in one of the photos) to be no more than .15-.2 cm. Angraecum aporoides has the longest spur of all of the species at 0.7cm and an ovary 0.7-0.8cm. Angraecum bancoense has an ovary 0.5-0.6cm long and a spur of .25-.5cm. Angraecum distichum ovary 0.5-0.6 and spur 0.5-0.6cm. Angraecum podochiloides spur is .45-.6cm. The spur shape of A. aporoides is straight, narrowly cylindrical with a wide mouth. A. bancoense's spur is straight, suddenly tapering near the end to a short tubular apex. A. distichum's spur is straight or slightly upcurved, suddenly tapering near the end to an acute apex. A. podochiloides's spur is straight, narrowly funnel-shaped, suddenly tapering near the end to an acute apex. Plant size of aporoides is 40cm; A. bancoense is about 15cm; A. distichum is 25 cm; and A. podochiloides is 60cm. Based on the length of the spur (less than 2cm), plant size (17cm), spur shape, and matching Floral dimensions, Angraecum bancoense Van Der Burg is the best fit. It is described as "very similar to distichum, but smaller in all respects and differs in the details of the lateral sepals, lip and spur."
Corybas ecarinatus Cordelia CBR 2025-01-21

Macradenia tridentata Timothy Henry CHM 2025-01-20
SITF confirms this plant as Macradenia tridentata (Jan 2025). An excellent matching photo of Macradenia tridentata by Alex Hirtz can be found in the IOSPE. Confirmation is based on the size of the plant and the lip form which matches the original description and line drawing in the July issue of 1945 Bulletin.
Bulbophyllum ecornutum Krull-Smith CBR 2025-01-13
SITF confirms this plant as Bulbophyllum ecornutum (Jan 2025). This plant is an excellent fit to the photographs in the POWO which shows the various color forms of the species and to the photos in the IOSPE. There are also several photos in the OW which closely match this plant; flower size matches the description of the flower in the IOSPE, as well.
Epidendrum ramosum Irene CBR 2025-01-12

Dimerandra tarapotana Irene CBR 2025-01-12

Encyclia altissima 'Quest' HCC-2025-01-09

Phalaenopsis equestris Join CHM 2025-01-06
SITF confirms this plant as Phalaenopsis equestris (Jan 2025). This plant matches prior AOS awards and Bakers' description found in the OW; it is correct in size, shape, and blooming habit for P. equestris.
Phalaenopsis schilleriana Alice's Rainbow CHM 2025-01-06
SITF confirms this plant as Phalaenopsis schilleriana (Jan 2025). This is a classic P. schilleriana; it has the right color, size and shape and the distinctive mottled leaves of P. schilleriana. It is a nice, variegated plant and a good match to the species photos of the flowers and leaf in the POWO.
Dryadella dodsonii Lynley Lana Raymond CBR 2025-01-05
SITF confirms this plant as Dryadella dodsonii (Jan 2025). This is correct, based on the Luer Type drawing in the IOSPE and the Luer description of D. dodsonii in Epidendra.com. This plant matches D. dodsonii by its very distinctive growth habit. The flower best fits D. dodsonii, esp. with the sepals apically narrowing sharply into longer tubes.
Epidendrum ravetianum Géodes CBR 2025-01-04
SITF confirms this plant as Epidendrum ravetianum (Jan 2025). This plant keys to Epi. ravetianum in the Delta application, Difforme group of epidendrums. The key characteristic is the narrow, linear shape of the petals, which fits Epi. ravetianum and this plant. Closely matching photos of Epi. ravetianum can be seen in the IOSPE. The flower size of this plant is large compared to that quoted in the IOSPE (5.2 vs. 3.75 cm).
Dendrobium Sweet Pinky Memoria David Johnson CCM -CHALLENGE-2025-01-01
SITF has determined that this plant is not Dendrobium Sweet Pinky (Jan 2025). Den. Sweet Pinky is a straight forward Dendrobium Section Dendrobium (nobile-type) and this plant is in the D. Section Phalaenanthe. They are not the same.
Gastrochilus japonicus Xuan's Purity CHM 2024-12-29
Bulbophyllum emarginatum Bryon CBR 2024-12-27
SITF confirms this plant as Bulbophyllum emarginatum (Jan 2025). This species was named for its shallow, notched leaf apex. The 2-3 flowered inflorescence fits B. emarginatum much better than the similar B. yoksunense, which has 6-12 flowers. This plant matches the photo and description found in the website of Hoa Lan Vietnam in California and the description of B. emarginatum in the IOSPE.
Coelogyne carinata Irene CBR 2024-12-21
SITF confirms this plant as Coelogyne carinata (Jan 2025). The lip of the similar species, Coelogyne guamensis, has 5-12 keels according to the key in Clayton's "The Genus Coelogyne: A Synopsis". This has about 3 keels, which better fits C. carinata. In Clayton's description of C. carinata, he details the upright side lobes, erose-margined clawed midlobe, and three keels that diverge and then converge distally. Also, there is a good match of this plant to the photo of C. carinata.
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