Calanthe-judithiae-2024-04-21 *SITF has determined this plant to be Calanthe leonidii, not Calanthe judithiae (Apr 2024).

The flower of Calanthe judithiae does not match the form of the lip of this plant. This plant is an exact match to the 2020 AOS awarded Calanthe leonidii, #20204471/CHM. The flower form and color, including the golden yellow protuberances at the base of the lip, matches this plant, as does the flower size given in the IOSPE description. This plant also matches the photos found in the Vietnamese article: http:/ .

Posted on Apr 21, 2024

Sold by Andy's Orchids as judithiae,a striped leaf triplicata type but has the appearance of leonidii. Plant purportedly from Sulawesi.

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