_Gastrochilus-acinacifolius-2022-04-17 *SITF confirms that this plant is Gastrochilus acinacifolius (Aug 2023).

The description in the worldfloraonline.Org states the leaves of G. acinacifolius are distichous; the blade is usually falcate-oblong, 7-14 x 1-2 cm with an acute apex and two short awns (bristles). The leaves of this plant are 8 cm by 2 cm, distichous and slightly falcate to sabre shaped and are acute. The apex of the newest leaf shows two curved, thorn like appendages. The leaves are mottled with purple spots covering the surface. The closest species for comparison might be Gastrochilus japonicus, however, the color of the sepals and petals as concolor with no markings do not fit as well as this plant, which has prominent red-brown spots on a yellow flower. This plant is an almost perfect match to the photo of G. acinacifoius and to the photo of the plant and flowers in the IOSPE.

Posted on Apr 17, 2022

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Gastrochilus formosanus

Posted on May 13, 2010

Gastrochilus formosanus: Nine flowers on nine pendulous inflorescences borne laterally frommiddle of pendulous 13-cm monopodial, epiphytic plant grown on a 43-cmby 8-cm stick; sepals and petals pale g...

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Gastrochilus rantabunensis

Posted on May 13, 2010

Gastrochilus rantabunensis: Twelve flowers clustered on three 1-cm lateral inflorescences from amonopodial, epiphytic plant grown on a 14-cm stick; sepal and petalbase color pale yellow-green, marked ...

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